Leadership Espresso The courage to un-lead? Back to overview Join us for a Leadership Espresso Leadership Espresso is our new series of short online know-how nuggets. Each session will have its own focus and flavor. Hosted by ICG leadership consultants from nearly all of our European offices, we will share fresh insights and tools. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, join our sessions and be inspired! Our Leadership Espresso is a free virtual offer. Date 11. April 2024 16.00 - 17.30 CEST Language English Location Online Price Free The courage to un-lead? Perspectives on new leadership We all feel the changing expectations towards leaders and leadership on our skin. Less hierarchy, more engagement, shared responsibility, self-organization and agency are just some of the hopes and desires we hear in the companies we work for. The solutions are many and contextual. With our guest speaker Céline Schillinger, author of „Dare to un-lead: The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World“ (Porchlight 2022 Leadership & Strategy Book of the Year, Thinkers50 10 best new management books for 2023), we will discuss the challenges of new leadership as well as possible ways to lead differently. Céline will share her very personal and managerial experiences that led to the creation of her book. Our discussion will include insights on leadership challenges and some examples of how engagement, ownership, and agency are achieved in today’s organizational contexts. During the session you will also have the opportunity to reflect on your own leadership context in smaller breakout groups. Join us, engage and reflect on your own leadership game! Agenda: Intro: Changing expectations towards leadership Dialogue with Céline Schillinger, author of the book ‚Dare to Unlead – the Art of relational Leadership‘ Explore your own leadership game – exchange Wrap-up Trainers Monika Meirer Partnerin Contact Monika András Karácsonyi Berater Contact András 11. April 2024 16:00 – 17:30 CEST online Free of cost Anmeldung AnredeHerrFrau Titel Vorname* Nachname* FirmenadressePrivate Adresse Unternehmen Strasse* Postleitzahl* Stadt* Land* E-Mail* Buchungscode Ich erkläre mich mit den AGB der ICG Integrated Consulting Group einverstanden.* Unser Newsletter (kostenlos) Change - Das Magazin (print, kostenlos) Felder mit * müssen ausgefüllt werden Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen! Sowohl das Magazin „Change“ als auch der Newsletter der ICG Integrated Consulting Group enthalten Artikel zu Themen rund um Change Management, Seminarinformationen sowie News über die ICG Integrated Consulting Group. Das Magazin „Change“ und der Newsletter können kostenfrei unter Angabe der für den Versand nötigen personenbezogenen Daten bestellt werden. Mit einer Bestellung des Magazins oder Anmeldung zum Newsletter willigen Sie ein, dass sämtliche angegebenen Daten im Zuge des Magazin- bzw.- Newsletterversands verarbeitet werden. Diese Einwilligung können Sie jederzeit und ohne Angabe von Gründen widerrufen, indem Sie eine entsprechende E-Mail an office@integratedconsulting.at senden oder im Newsletter auf den Abmeldelink klicken. Näheres dazu finden Sie in unseren Datenschutzbedingungen. Please leave this field empty. Would you like to know more? Contact