Leadership Espresso Foster engagement 

three woman in conversation

Join us for a Leadership Espresso

Leadership Espresso is our new series of short online know-how nuggets. Each session will have its own focus and flavor. Hosted by ICG leadership consultants from nearly all of our European offices, we will share fresh insights and tools.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, join our sessions and be inspired!

Our Leadership Espresso is a free virtual offer.


20. September 2024

9.00 - 10.30 CEST







Foster engagement
The engagement DNA

Why fostering engagement is crucial for creating productivity and well-being

Leaders who are able to inspire real commitment to shared goals are not only more likely to succeed, but their team members will also feel that they’re doing their best. Fostering true engagement is a key to helping your team reach their full potential at work.

We discuss the powerful enabler of engagement – psychological safety: How does it affect us? How can you, as a leader, create a safe space and foster engagement in an organization, in a team? We present client stories from our safety culture development programs and share how we have created engagement and psychological safety with our clients.

Be inspired by our client’s success stories and see how you can build a foundation for true engagement from all colleagues, starting from the top, to create a space where ideas can sparkle and appreciative feedback makes bright ideas even brighter.


  • Tools to foster engagement and trust, such as the Circle of Commitment
  • Insights from our safety culture development programs

Takeaways & benefits:

Authentic engagement: From following the rules to true engagement
Insights on how to create and support psychological safety as a leader
Awareness of my leadership actions – how to become better at creating engagement, safety, and trust

20. September 2024

9.00 – 10.30 CEST


Free of cost


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